Author Archives: Tanandra Wolfstone

Warframe: Hildryn Prime Giveaway!

So yeah, sorry I haven’t blogged in a bit – I’ve been getting over a funk and feeling not great, but things are improving and trying to get some forward momentum going and all that!

Got a giveaway going right now for Hildryn Prime Access from Warframe! #AD, DE is providing the largest pack for free for me to give out to you, click on WIN! up top there, or just head over to!

Since shutting down Streamloots, streaming has been a LOT less stressful, my gawd. I feel like I can breathe again! Nothing wrong with Streamloots, it’s a perfectly cromulent site and I don’t regret using it. I DO regret putting all my eggs in one basket however and it was getting super annoying keeping up with it. Anyway, now that it’s done, please enjoy my streams for less hassle. 🙂

Who loves you, baby? ? -Tan

Calling all Sponsors?

I feel like I need a sponsorship of some kind. Not really super particular but at the same time it should be something I would actually use or support. I’ve been talking with my mods about like.. snack boxes, but I can’t do those because of my dietary restrictions. Or the VPN companies or the you-know-who mobile games; not interested in those obviously.

Not even really looking to make a ton of money; it’s more like – validation I guess? This awesome company likes what I do! LOL. I used to get a lot of that from Warframe but, it’s been a long while. I think it’s been since I transitioned and the first model I had was probably not super corporate. I think this one is though! If you work for a company looking for a streamer to sponsor, I know one! Me! Hey, I’ve gotten over a million unique views in 6 and a half years!

Anyway! Now that I’ve shut down Streamloots and got everything moved to Mix-It-Up, I don’t have anything to give you for reading this…

Except to let you know I’m giving away 300 plat on Warframe! Click the thing and enter already!

Moving Away from Streamloots

Hey there Cuties! Well, it’s finally happening – I’m moving away from Streamloots. Nothing on their side precipitating this move, I just knew after the third round of re-brands I was going to end up consolidating all my animations and fun stuff – and now I can on Mix-It-Up bot.

If you have any Streamloot cards or packs of mine left unopened – now is the time to log in and claim them, turn them into resources and cash in your cards for CHI points, the Mix-It-Up currency we use.

However – the bot has to be running for the Streamloots cards to work; so make sure by typing !CHI in chat first, and make sure you get a response. (This way you can also ensure the cards work afterward!)

It was a good run, but it’s time to bring everything back into the fold and I’m taking this opportunity to remove really old animations that still have the TV popping up – that’s old stuff and needs to be gone.

I may end up re-working old TV pop-up animations to not use the TV but we will see.

In any case, who loves you baby? ? -Tan

New Warframe Stuff

Hey Cuties! New Warframe, new stuff, new game mode and all that.

This means I’ll probably be streaming more Warframe than not for a bit. Will be tonight and tomorrow and this weekend for sure.

Been having a real challenge keeping my head straight this week – and Warframe’s my comfort game to stream, so again, probably keeping on it for a bit.

Thank you everyone for your support and love this week. ? -Tan

Thank you for reading my little blog, here is your reward:
First 50 clickers get free Streamloots cards!
This link is good until 02/24/23 at midnight, central time!

This Week has Really Sucked

I’m not going to get too much into it but to summarize. There are more people that I thought genuinely cared about me that when it came down to it, I don’t mean anything to them. Not naming names, I was just.. it was a really rude awakening.

But the opposite is true too. There are a lot MORE people that do care about me, and that I care for just as much that I’ve met just in this last year, and that I’ve met over the course of being a streamer, and over the course of my life. I can’t lose focus on the good as well.

This week has really sucked for my legs. I made some dumbass choices and suffered for it this week, physically. Big setbacks and a fuckload of pain, on top of my emotional instability due to other factors this week. I’ve been making myself cry just to try and get it all out. I’m frustrated.

I am also excited, I can’t wait for Mavis and Varrick and Rei to move in. But it’s also meant me and Draco have had to like.. actually clean up lol.

It will get better soon, I hope. I see where the country is headed and I’m legit scared. I don’t feel safe anymore and I’m not used to it.

Wow great uplifting blog eh. Sorry. Have some cards to make up for it.

Thank you for reading my little blog, here is your reward:
First 50 clickers get free Streamloots cards!
This link is good until 02/24/23 at midnight, central time!

January Clip Contest Winners!

I am sorry I made it tougher this month to make clips what with changing models and nuking all previous clips! But! We still have our three winners and they are:

3rd place: Dracogiraffa with “Transformer

2nd place: Toa47 with “Door

1st place: nohbody714 with “Firestarter

Nohbody, I can’t gift you the cards just yet – please head over to and log in, then I can. 🙂

You’ve all won some Streamloots cards, and here’s more for everyone!

Thank you for reading my little blog, here is your reward:
First 50 clickers get free Streamloots cards!
This link is good until 02/24/23 at midnight, central time!

One Million Views on Twitch Soon

Hey there Cuties! Doing this blog, as little as it is, was really becoming a chore to try and do every day – so I’m easing up on the throttle quite a bit and making it weekly. Also gives me a chance to come up with more to talk about. I don’t know if it’s going to be any longer than it was before but eh, it’ll work itself out.

New games I’ve gotten involved in this week include: Ye Olde EverQuest 2 – I’m playing with some old friends and having a blast; Disney Dreamlight because I hate myself, Bloons TD5 because I’ve been playing it off and on with the Stickbug and of course the old standbys Warframe and Final Fantasy XIV. I may be eyeballing DCUO since I had to pay to subscribe to EQ2. Maybe even Planetside, I dunno.

I’ve got something big in the works which is going to be taking part of my attention for a couple weeks to a month now – and it may effect how often I stream and my energy level. We shall see. I’ll announce more as the date gets closer.

Also – holy hell I’m up to 996,679 views on Twitch! One million is RIGHT AROUND THE CORNER. What can I /should I do to celebrate with you all? I’m like.. nervous!! Let me know! Love your faces!! -Tan ?

Thank you for reading my little blog, here is your reward:
First 50 clickers get free Streamloots cards!
This link is good until 02/24/23 at midnight, central time!

Shuffling Emotes around AND an ask…

So I really do love my emotes – but they reflect the old model, the 2022 Tanandra as it were. The new model is literally changing my life it’s insane. So, I need new emotes to reflect the new model.

I’ve got a throne linked on my twitch, and there’s a new panel with it, but you can also just click here if you’d like to contribute: Emotes are expensive, especially good ones, as well as animated ones. There’s no way for me to shoulder the burden myself – but I’d really like them to all be from one artist (or team of artists like last time, that all have the same style) and they deserve to be compensated for their work, obviously. Anyway yeah that’s why the number seems so high – it’s a LOT of emotes.

Long term goal, not super rushed to get it done but would like to before summer maybe?

Anyway, I’ll just leave this to run and if you’d like to contribute, please do. Any amount is progress toward the goal. Thanks and I love your faces!! -Tan ? (oh by the way, I moved a lot of the good emotes to follower emotes on Twitch, check it out…)

Thank you for reading my little blog, here is your reward:
First 50 clickers get free Streamloots cards!
This link is good until 02/24/23 at midnight, central time!

Revised and Flexible Schedule!

Hey Cuties!! So I finally did it, I removed the pre-set games from the schedule for good! I really like it, it looks so much cleaner!!

I want to get more in-depth on Final Fantasy XIV to the point that I even want to learn the stupid card game. I’m in danger! LOL. Lately I just, I dunno. The old standbys aren’t doing it for me anymore. I need new stuff. I’m super enjoying FF and other games like the REALLY old BloonsTD 5, Roblox UNIRONINCALLY and others. Time to explore more. I hope you will join me. Love you!! -Tan ?

Thank you for reading my little blog, here is your reward:
First 50 clickers get free Streamloots cards!
This link is good until 02/24/23 at midnight, central time!

I finally figured it out!

So! I made 4 more outfits for my avatar today! Thank you of course to Oniyako ?

Now that I’m pretty confident making models – I’m going to make more, with Chat’s help I’m going to set up subgoals for.. maybe more varied fit.. hmmmmmmmm

Nothing that would get me banned, of course, but there’s plenty of opportunities.. maid outfit? Librarian? Ooo Nurse? Anyway, I wanna have fun with it. I’m keeping the spoopy game total subs goals but these can be a new thing.. we shall see. Love ya! See you tonight! -Tan ?

Thank you for reading my little blog, here is your reward:
First 50 clickers get free Streamloots cards!
This link is good until 02/24/23 at midnight, central time!