Author Archives: Tanandra Wolfstone

Re-re-redebut aka Teenandra

Hey cuties! I wanted to tell you a little bit about the new model and why I’m using it. I straight up fell in love with it. I do love the model I’ve used up to this point but I feel like this model scratches my brain better. It wasn’t intentional, it just kinda happened.

It’s giving me the same feelings I had over a year ago when I stopped using the duck avatar in favor of the model I copied out of Famous MMO. It’s a step backward in a few ways but I will learn and get back to where I can add outfits and things to play with. At the moment I’ve gotten the headband, the sunglasses and the unicorn horn working.

I’m rebranding everywhere with it and the response has been overwhelmingly positive, so thank you. More to come. Love you, cuties!! – Tan ?

Thank you for reading my little blog, here is your reward:
First 50 clickers get free Streamloots cards!
This link is good until 02/24/23 at midnight, central time!

Belated Birthday to myself.

Hey there cuties! You know I’ve been hanging out in Styxie’s stream quite a bit and helping out where I can. I did a short little Roblox stream yesterday for my birthday. Thank you everyone who came out. I know it’s normally my day off but SOMEONE (Dracogiraffa) decided to tell everyone that I’d be live on *my* birthday. So anyway.

Setting up the schedule for this week and I’m not exactly putting Roblox on the schedule but I’m not exactly NOT putting it on. Styxie got us all hooked on the number-go-up game. So add me there if you want, I go by ‘Teenandra’. Might use that more, dunno.

Anyway I’m officially old now. There’s no questioning it.
Love you!! ? -Tan

Thank you for reading my little blog, here is your reward:
First 50 clickers get free Streamloots cards!
This link is good until 02/24/23 at midnight, central time!

It’s Styxie’s Birthday!

Hey cuties, so yeah, when I was doing the schedule for this week on TUESDAY because I was so out of it; I forgor this was this week too. So, I’m off tonight – but I *WILL* be over at Stickbugg’s channel since it’s birthday is todaaaaaaaay! Also, it’s raising money to go see Toasty. So it’s a birthdonothondaystream.. uh

Anyway head over to tonight at 5pm Central, an hour before I usually start. Bring money if you can. ?

Love you! – Tan ?

Thank you for reading my little blog, here is your reward:
First 50 clickers get free Streamloots cards!
This link is good until 02/24/23 at midnight, central time!

New Warframe Giveaway!

Easy blog entry today – new Warframe giveaway, and I’m fully ON this backup vroid model until I can get my iPhone from Throne. Ugh. Learning though, it’s kinda fun!

Make sure you check out if you play Warframe.

Love you, cuties! Thank you for spending time with me! -Tan ?

Thank you for reading my little blog, here is your reward:
First 50 clickers get free Streamloots cards!
This link is good until 02/24/23 at midnight, central time!

I’m Really Getting Frustrated

I really hate not having my model to look at when I’m streaming. I know I shouldn’t be so reliant on it but damn it made things easier. *sigh* I wish Throne was faster about getting everything and sending me the item that got crowdfunded.

Short entry today, I’m just… mad. It’s no ones fault but my own for not taking care of my current iPhone. I will do better with the new one you all generously chipped in for. Love you. -Tan ?

Thank you for reading my little blog, here is your reward:
First 50 clickers get free Streamloots cards!
This link is good until 02/24/23 at midnight, central time!

Final Fantasy XIV Online has Weird Audio

Hey there Cuties, so I felt obligated to share this little adventure with you all. The other day while doing my tribal quests for the fae, and leveling Sage my audio abruptly cut out, but only in game. Everything else was working. Music, other games, all fine. Just Final Fantasy.

So of course I start looking up fixes. Check it’s not muted in game. Check it’s listed in the Windows audio mixer (it was). Make sure you have your device plugged in, etc etc. Like – ok I get people need the help, but genuinely I could not find a solution to my issue.

One thing to try was fullscreening then windowing the app. What?! How badly optimized is this game that refreshing the render queue like that will literally FIX AUDIO issues? ffs.. I was doomed.

I’d tried uninstalling/reinstalling and spent HOURS on this. I was about to just give up. Last thing I hadn’t actually tried yet was to re-load audio drivers. Fine, I thought, lets make sure to cover all the bases. So I went into the Sound Properties in Windows of the sound device, and do you know what I found?

You know how some sound cards or motherboards have sound effects you can enable like.. echo? Or Bass+ or Headphone Room Emulation, like Hall or Studio, things like that? This graphic is what was present on my sound driver. Just this one checkbox dedicated to disabling all sound effects – of which there were none to actually select. It was checked. I un-checked it and FF started playing audio again.

. . .

So anyway that was my Friday night, how was yours? Love your faces!! -Tan ?

Thank you for reading my little blog, here is your reward:
First 50 clickers get free Streamloots cards!
This link is good until 02/24/23 at midnight, central time!

I’m just tired af lately…

Hey, Cuties! I just wanted to let you know if I’m taking time off or starting at weird times – my body is just.. not cooperating lately. I’m super tired and sleeping a lot. Dunno if I caught something or not but I can still smell and taste so.. not sure what’s up.

Short blog, like I said, I’m beat. I love all your faces, thank you everyone for the support so far this year. ? -Tan

Thank you for reading my little blog, here is your reward:
First 50 clickers get free Streamloots cards!
This link is good until 02/24/23 at midnight, central time!

I’m Beside Myself with Joy!

So I put out a distress beacon yesterday – my iPhone X that I use to VTube with (because it has the FaceID chip in it) is bulging, meaning the battery is ready to freakin explode.

I bought it in July 2021. It’s last a year and a half just being my VTubing camera. And of course I’ve dropped it multiple times, and not ever had it off the charger. I will be better about the new phone.

Oh right, new phone. I put out that distress call and YOU ALL ANSWERED WITHIN 24 HOURS WTF!!

I am literally in tears (happy ones). Thank you all so much. I don’t have any way to repay you other than to just.. get back to streaming with the model as soon as it arrives. I can’t wait. Love all your faces. – Tan ?

Thank you for reading my little blog, here is your reward:
First 50 clickers get free Streamloots cards!
This link is good until 02/24/23 at midnight, central time!

December 2022 Clip Contest Winners!

3rd place goes to Toa47 with Peefus finisher!

The 2nd place winner is HarmonyEternal with Nature’s a Slut!

And in 1st place with It’s not Birthday Cake is MavisDeLuna!

Enjoy your packs of Streamloots cards!

Thank you everyone for participating, and clipping! Please keep it up it’s been super helpful to come up with content for Youtube and Tiktok!! New month is already underway!

Thank you again, love your faces!! ? -Tan

Thank you for reading my little blog, here is your reward:
First 50 clickers get free Streamloots cards!
This link is good until 02/24/23 at midnight, central time!