One Million Views on Twitch Soon

Hey there Cuties! Doing this blog, as little as it is, was really becoming a chore to try and do every day – so I’m easing up on the throttle quite a bit and making it weekly. Also gives me a chance to come up with more to talk about. I don’t know if it’s going to be any longer than it was before but eh, it’ll work itself out.

New games I’ve gotten involved in this week include: Ye Olde EverQuest 2 – I’m playing with some old friends and having a blast; Disney Dreamlight because I hate myself, Bloons TD5 because I’ve been playing it off and on with the Stickbug and of course the old standbys Warframe and Final Fantasy XIV. I may be eyeballing DCUO since I had to pay to subscribe to EQ2. Maybe even Planetside, I dunno.

I’ve got something big in the works which is going to be taking part of my attention for a couple weeks to a month now – and it may effect how often I stream and my energy level. We shall see. I’ll announce more as the date gets closer.

Also – holy hell I’m up to 996,679 views on Twitch! One million is RIGHT AROUND THE CORNER. What can I /should I do to celebrate with you all? I’m like.. nervous!! Let me know! Love your faces!! -Tan ?