Happy Freakin’ New Year!
Well, here we are! It’s 2023. 2022 is in the rearview and holy crap. This time last year I was a cis male with a duck avatar. Bascially. ? Now I’m a transwoman lesbian and am using my 20+ year old gaming avatar that I’ve built up as my new identity and it feels niiiiiiiice. @#^& I’ve been stupid for so long.
Time to recap. I did a TikTok but I think i need to do it more linear justice:
December – Find out Tanandra.com is available on a whim as I had been using a ripped model from that one MMO about being the last fantasy… *cough* ask me on stream I’ll tell you. I buy Tanandra.com and rebrand *everything* because I was actually ENJOYING streaming again.
January – Decide I need to feminize my voice. But yeah, I’m not trans. Voice changers just suck, I can learn to be a kick ass e-girl. Also founded the Bean Stream Team to have my streamer friends in a team.
February – Well that didn’t last long, I guess I’m trans now. Start HRT on the down low.
March – Start HRT on the up high, with a doctor checking my blood. No more shady stuff. KingOfNightmare sands the rough edges off my model. Thank you, King for version 1.5! ?
April – Freak out and block people on socials. Isolate even harder.
May – Un-freak out. Work up the nerve to come out to Family, In-Laws.
June – Come out at work. Find that I cry a lot more now. I mean, I was a crybaby before but now the tears just flow. Get the model I was using replaced with a muuuch better one. Thank you KingOfNightmare for version 2.0. ?
July – I met more awesome people on the internet.
August – I join PridePrism as a member of Wave 1: Courage
September – Starting to dress more feminine. Just a little, I’m not ready for sundresses yet. But I love it. I still will not go outside unless dressed plain. Very self-conscious that I don’t look how I want. (Still am.)
October – Fix up the gym to start using it regularly – then immediately discover a physical issue that I can’t address just yet. Hooray to being fat forever. ?
November – Hair is growing out, but not forward of course. Keep in mind I was BALD up until February of this year. Actual chill month. I spent a lot of time supporting friends and loved ones and learning more about myself.
December – Guess what, I have autism! Guess what, I have ADHD! Guess what .. arrrghhhh Why has so much shit just gone.. undiagnosed or undiscovered in my life?! Oh, but at least I got version 3.0 of my Tanandra model! Thank you again, KingOfNightmare!! ? (It’s got more than one outfit!!)
So there you go, there’s 2022 summed up for me. Sheeeeesh I hope 2023 is less rollercoaster and more rock and roll. Let’s find out together, cuties!! Love your faces!! – Tan ?????