Back to Work… ugh

I need to retire. LOL! I’ve still got a number of years I need to work before I can safely retire, you know, unless one of you is an oil baron and wants to just shower me with money. XD

That aside, it’s always rough getting back into the ‘normal’ swing of things after the holidays. I truly think we aren’t meant to work every day like we do. I wish streaming and creating content is all I had to do all day. I love doing it. It’s literally my creative passion! Ah well, such is life right now I guess.

Quick update about the December 2022 Clip Contest – I’m broke. Starting this year (which includes this contest) and going forward I have to give prizes I can afford, so I apologize if there’s any hurt feelings. Plus, giving out Amazon Gift Cards is a giant pain in the keister. Streamloots is much simpler. I hope you will all continue clipping, it helps me out greatly!!

Anyway that’s all I’ve got for you today – love your faces!! – Tan ?