Happy Hump Day Cuties!
Quick little blog today – I may or may not stream tonight; as we get closer to the big crimbus day I’m gonna have a lot of free time to fix things and hopefully stream more. Actually fixed one issue I was having with this blog and how it’s formatted! So pretty proud of myself about that.
My sleep schedule is dead. I’ve been doing late nights with PridePrism folks and helping some of them with various things. I feel needed and wanted and it feels amazing.
I wanted to clarify something I said that probably didn’t come out right – and knowing I have Autism and ADHD makes it easier for me to come to grips with saying things wrong…. BUT:
I don’t mean to minimize anyone who’s been a friend or follower this whole time. I appreciate everyone and I love you all! ADDITIONALLY having a group of lil gay people that accept me for me unquestioningly has been fucking amazing. Not saying that no one else has but .. I am starting to feel seen and understood, even when I haven’t understood myself, ever. Anyway. Love your faces, cuties!
? -Tan