Am I Doing Longer Streams From Now On?
So it seems like all it takes is ENFORCING taking a stand up break every 90-120 minutes and I can go a lot longer on stream. Did almost 9 hours last night and really enjoyed it!
This could be dangerous when the holidays are over, but I will just need to also enforce going to bed at a normal time. This does come after being up until 4am like a lunatic ?
Felt pretty cute today. First time in a while, although.. for most of my life that wasn’t a thing. Why don’t men ever feel cute? I think it’s literally beat out of them. It’s sad.
I mean not cute enough to do a face reveal or anything but if someone were to HIT that goal tomorrow I wouldn’t be upset about it.. *side eye* hahah
In any case, yes, I know it’s toxic to say ‘streaming longer is better for growth’ but fuck it really feels like it is. It’s NOT but it FEELS like it is. Let’s see how long this lasts. Love ya! ? -Tan