Been a couple months since I wrote anything in here! Dunno if anyone even READS this but hey, nice to kinda keep tabs on what’s going on.

Starting the new year with a quasi-new schedule. I’m not locking myself into a game on specific days anymore. Monday works for FF just because. Same with Thursday on WF. But even those are up to whatever.

Finally got around to cleaning up the rest of the website with the rebrand, the bookmark icon, etc. There’s still a couple straggler graphics but at this point it’s fine. I’ll update that when I update again.

Stream PC has been consistently better with the CPU heatsink/fan FIRMLY attached, and also learned a thing about USB video capture devices – one per USB controller, period. And it’s been stellar since then. Much less problems with stream.

Having fun streaming again, I just need to stop focusing on the numbers, you know, like I tell everyone else not to focus on the numbers. XD It’s hard not to.